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Sunday, June 9, 2013

Homesteading Newbie

Been way too long since I've been writing any... hopefully will keep it up a little better now. Our newest adventure is "homesteading". I didn't really know that was what it was called until I started reading various blogs about homesteading. I always thought it was just a way of life for my grandparents and to some extent, myself. So, I'm going to start keeping up with some of our newest adventures, thanks to quite a few ideas from Pinterest!

This is our second year of having a pretty substantial garden... well, not substantial by my grandmother's standards, but it is for me. I have planted 20 pepper plants, about 15 tomato plants, a patch of corn, green beans, strawberries, onions, carrots and several squash and zucchini plants.. I also hope to can more this year and freeze enough corn to do us for the winter.
My green beans have found their trellis! Small things make me happy!
We are also in the process of building a chicken coop and have bought 15 chickens, which are temporarily housed at my in-laws. Can't wait to start getting fresh eggs and some meat from our backyard. Stay tuned for more updates on our garden and what we are learning to do... and not do in our new adventure.