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Monday, November 14, 2011


My husband called me a "princess" today... if anyone knows me, this is NOT an accurate description of my personality. Far from it, except maybe when Cinderella was scrubbing toilets and wearing hand me downs, maybe that part is right... The reason he called me this is that I am going to go for a massage this week. I have never done this and have always thought it rather frivolous. However, I am going out of town for a few days to a conference.. this rarely happens... especially ALL ALONE.. I feel like a "big girl" out past curfew for a few days! I am not a social butterfly by any means so there is some level of anxiety about going to an unknown place by myself. I have decided, however, to embrace this. I am going to enjoy my three days of solitude while not in my trainings.. I am going to read a book, take baths, and yes, enjoy my first ever massage. While maybe it isn't exactly the "royal treatment", I am going to take some time to relax and for at least for a couple of days, try to remember the me that existed befor becoming a wife and mother, many many years ago. The "me" that enjoyed reading for hours on end, strolling through antique shops, and caring about myself instead of every one else. In the long run, I know that a few minutes of "me" time will benefit my family as well. It is hard to care for everyone elses needs when you neglect your own. I expect to return refreshed, enlightened, and ready to tackle the holidays with my wonderful family! Cinderella? Maybe not, but even a peasant girl can sometimes want to be treated like a princess.

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